
Több mint 30 éves múltjával a Weinberg neve Magyarországon egyet jelent a magas fokú szakmai színvonallal és felkészültséggel. Egyensúlyt teremtünk régi és új, hagyomány és innováció között.
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Újjáéleszti Salgótarján sportközpontját a Weinberg

Ground-breaking ceremony of a completely renewed soccer and leisure facility
Weinberg ’93 Building Ltd. just started execution of the newly-developed Öblös Sporting Ground at Salgótarján. Past Friday the ground-breaking for this project took place which is due to provide the SBTC soccer club with a decent home ground. Plans were conceived in March 2017 according to a report by local media Nógrád Online.
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Diósgyőr supports the local club
Diósgyőr (DVTK) is amongst Hungary’s strongest soccer clubs and they are supporting the local SBTC. That is why Mr Tamás Szabó, DVTK’s manager for investments and operations, delivered a speech at the ground-breaking. According to Szabó, Diósgyőr as one of the region’s most significant clubs just had to help out the SBTC, or Stécé as it is being nicked. He said the Stécé has already seen better days, but given their junior team involving as many as 200 youth the Club’s fortune is again bound to ascend.
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Inhabitants may spend their leisure time in the centre
The project area is not only used by professional sport but also by adepts of running. As has been stated upon the ground-breaking, the area will remain open to the public following development. Before the time capsule was put to its place in the ground it was taken around the area by runners of the city’s athletics club.
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The area will be landscaped
In the course of this development subject to public tendering a modern new centre will be constructed on the site of the existing, extremely depraved 330 square metre building. Other works to be achieved are,

  • renewal of public utilities
  • new parking lots
  • renewal of lighting
  • renewal of the running track and soccer ground
  • complete landscaping of the surroundings.

Source: https://magyarepitok.hu/mi-epul/2018/12/ujjaeleszti-salgotarjan-sportkozpontjat-a-weinberg