
Közel negyed évszázados múltjával a Weinberg neve Magyarországon egyet jelent a magas fokú szakmai színvonallal és felkészültséggel. Egyensúlyt teremtünk régi és új, hagyomány és innováció között.
A folyamatos és stabil fejlődés mellett harmóniában élünk környezetünkkel. Ezt a harmóniát osztjuk meg ügyfeleinkkel és munkavállalóinkkal is.

icon_widget_image Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 16:00; Sat-Sun: Closed icon_widget_image 3950 Sárospatak, Malomkőgyár u. 7 icon_widget_image +36 47 511 040 fax: +36 47 313 807 icon_widget_image

Weinberg Family Day 2022

Weinberg Family Day 2022

For Weinberg, it’s important that colleagues get to know each other not just in a tight workplace, and it’s not just a trite phrase that Weinberg is a big family, but a living experience everyday. Among other things, this intention brought to life the tradition of the Weinberg Family Day a few years ago. With this event, we also want to strengthen the good relationship between our colleagues, contribute to the creation of a relaxed work atmosphere, and express our appreciation for the hard work and loyalty to the company throughout the year.

At the same time, it is a good opportunity to thank not only our employees, but also the stable family background, partners and children who contribute with their support so that colleagues can perform their duties calmly and in a balanced way. We have tried to provide meaningful programs for everyone, we would like to thank the staff of our HR department for organizing and contributing to the implementation of the event. The children were entertained by creative programs, a bouncy castle, an adventure track and a puppet show throughout the day. The segway pitch, the football game, and the playful skill competitions were also enjoyed by the bigger ones. Our star guest and the DJ made sure the party was in a good mood until late at night. Thanks again to everyone who were with us on this beautiful late spring day. Next year, even more, the same way! 😊

Project Info
