
With more than 30 years of history, the name Weinberg in Hungary is synonymous with a high level of professional standards and expertise. We create a balance between old and new, tradition and innovation.
Alongside continuous and stable growth, we live in harmony with our environment. We share this harmony with our clients and employees as well

icon_widget_image Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 16:00; Sat-Sun: Closed icon_widget_image 3950 Sárospatak, Malomkőgyár u. 7 icon_widget_image +36 47 511 040 fax: +36 47 313 807 icon_widget_image

We build for you!

Design and Build – From planning to turnkey handover!


Factories, plants, with complex technical content, with the help of our qualified professionals, keeping in mind the importance of environmental awareness.


The functionality of which is tailored to the needs of our partners, facilitating the process of outsourcing, storage and warehousing.


Which, in addition to careful professional implementation, also provide an aesthetic experience.


Office head buildings that allow you to work efficiently in an aesthetic environment, even meeting the latest technological requirements.

Be the part of it

Learn more about
the WEINBERG philosophy!

"The management of Weinberg, including myself, belongs to a generation whose outlook on life is imbued with straightforwardness, conscientiousness, and the sanctity of one's word. These are the values we represent and pass on to our successors and colleagues. We have learned that when we look each other in the eye and shake hands, it signifies a commitment that will be fulfilled. For a handshake is not merely a gesture; it reflects trust, credibility, and responsibility toward the other person, as well as respect and appreciation. Maintaining good relationships with our partners and personal trust continues to play a central role in the life of the company. This is what strengthens our business relationships and drives our business lines forward. Just as in everyday life, we seek stability in business as well. For a customer, the most important thing is that the company executing the construction is reliable. Over more than 30 years in the construction industry, we have proven that we are fully aware of professional expectations. Our returning customers and the professional recognitions in our references testify that we consistently deliver quality, precise work, which we stand behind. Therefore, when you work with Weinberg, your project is in safe hands. We care about the details, track our work from inception to handover, and monitor its afterlife as well. We devote special attention to every task, embrace challenges, and look forward to future projects with enthusiasm."

István Derczó, Owner, General Manager

Our satisfied customers






Újlaki Építő Kft., Managing director

Donát Palánki Németh

“The central element of the project is the nearly 20 m high steel lookout building, the production and assembly of which required special professional and manufacturing skills. We knew from the first moment that we could only turn to the best for our own benefit, so we chose the Weinberg steel structure manufacturing division. Time has shown that we have made a good decision.”

Wing Zrt., Technical Director

Csaba Sütő Nagy

“In all its projects, WING works with the most outstanding and reliable professional partners who contribute to the high standard of the buildings and complexes we have developed. We have been working with Weinberg ’93 company on our industrial developments since 2017. The last three hall buildings of WING's number one industrial park, the East Gate Business Park, were completed by Weinberg 93. Thanks to the precise, timely, high-quality workmanship and the flexible, competent team, we will continue to work with the company.”

Budapesti Szabadkikötő Logisztikai Kft., CEO

Ottó Cseh

"The logistics halls built by Weinberg Kft. represent an outstanding technical standard, the Company's proactive partnership attitude and cost-effective approach are the hallmarks of our joint projects, we are maximally satisfied with their services they have created lasting value in our industrial park."

Aeroplex Közép-Európai Kft., Facility project manager

Zsuzsanna Szécsi

“It was very important for us to entrust the construction of the hangar to a general contractor who is not only flexible and helpful, but also has a team prepared with the right professionalism. Of course, the good reference, value for money and reliability all helped us make our decision.”

Continental Automotive Hungary Kft

Andrea Mészáros and Balázs Krieger

"During the joint work, the employees of Weinberg ’93 Kft were constantly with a great deal of flexibility in the implementation of the tasks, they adapted perfectly to the change needs of our company while meeting the deadlines."

Swiss Krono, Managing Director

Szilárd Kázmér

“The professional construction carried out by Weinberg 93 Kft. has greatly contributed to the fact that the most modern OSB factory in the world can be built in record time. The familiar team, the professional competence, the modern production base and the flexibility have led to the success. Thank you for the cooperation!"

Fémalk Zrt., Technical Director

Péter Gombos

"Weinberg 93 Kft. is a very good partner in developing cost-effective solutions and meeting changing customer needs."



Felkészült kollégáink várják, hogy megismerjék leendő partnerünk elképzeléseit. Elég akár egy koncepció felvázolása, hogy elinduljon egy álom megvalósulása, de minél több információ áll rendelkezésre (tervdokumentáció, meglévő engedélyek, talajmechanikai vizsgálat stb.) az mérnökeink munkáját segíti és pontosabb költségszámítást tesz lehetővé.


Előkészítő mérnökeink gondosan áttanulmányozzák a rendelkezésre álló műszaki dokumentációt, majd elkészítik ajánlatunkat.  A partner igénye szerint nem csak a kivitelezésre, de az engedélyes és kiviteli tervek elkészítésére is tudunk árajánlatot adni. Megrendelésink közel felét a tervezést és kivitelezést szoros egységben kezelő Design&Build megbízások teszik ki.


We will send our offer in a written form to the partner, and then, if required, it will be possible to analyze the offer and clarify any issues within a personal meeting.


If our offer meets the expectations of the partner and they vote for us with confidence, the joint work with the order can enter the implementation phase.


A szerződéskötés keretében a munkára vonatkozó minden lényeges elem (jogok és kötelezettségek) rögzítésre kerül a Fővállalkozói Szerződésben.


A szerződéskötés után, a Megrendelő átadja a munkaterületet, melyért a kivitelezés időszaka alatt a Weinberg, mint gondos kivitelező felel. Gondoskodunk a terület őrzéséről és biztosítjuk a balesetmentes munkavégzés feltételeit.


Szakértő mérnök és tervező partnereink a legkorszerűbb eszközökkel és szoftverekkel dolgoznak, hogy a megrendelőink elképzeléseit életre keltsék a tervezőasztalon és a számítógépek monitorján. 3D-s látványterveink lehetővé teszik, hogy partnereink már a tervezési folyamat részeként pontos képet kapjanak arról, milyen lesz az elkészült épület.


A kiviteli tervek átadása, vagy az általunk készített kiviteli tervek jóváhagyása után veszi kezdetét az építkezés. Talán ez a folyamat legizgalmasabb része, mikor a megrendelő és a tervezők által megálmodott terek és szerkezetek életre kelnek. Képzett szakembereink és állandó szak-alvállalkozóink keze alatt, szinte a földből nő ki az új épület, miközben tapasztalt projektvezetőink és építésvezetőink felügyelik és irányítják a kivitelezést.


A műszaki átadás-átvétel teszi fel az i-re a pontot. A műszaki ellenőrök közreműködésével megtörténik az új épület átadása, mely annak bizonyítéka, hogy a szerződés tárgyát képező építmény megvalósítása a szerződésnek és a jogszabályoknak megfelelően történt meg, a megrendelő elvárásai szerint.


Of course, we are still available to our customers after the completion of the construction. Warranty compliance is an important part of our company's philosophy. In addition to our legal obligations, we strive to ensure great partnership and to help you find the most appropriate solution to any problems you may have.


Construction Master Award
Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year
Knight's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit award
2018 and 2016
Energy Conscious Company Award announced within the framework of the Virtual Power Plant Program
TOP 100 Economic Award
Pro Urbe Award
The small and medium-sized enterprise of the month is Weinbert ’93 Kft. for December month of 2013
"Entrepreneur of the Year" award
Master's Award for Construction (light-reflecting facade of a production hall)
In August, Sárospatak City Recognition Certificate
Construction Master Award
Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year
Knight's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit award
2018 and 2016
Energy Conscious Company Award announced within the framework of the Virtual Power Plant Program
TOP 100 Economic Award
Pro Urbe Award
The small and medium-sized enterprise of the month is Weinbert ’93 Kft. for December month of 2013
"Entrepreneur of the Year" award
Master's Award for Construction (light-reflecting facade of a production hall)
In August, Sárospatak City Recognition Certificate
2021 - Construction Master Award
2020 - Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year
2019 - Knight's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit award
2016 and 2018 Energy Conscious Company Award announced within the framework of the Virtual Power Plant Program
2016 - TOP 100 Economic Award
2014- Pro Urbe Award
In August 2021, Sárospatak City Recognition Certificate



BUILD Together!