A bold individuality and a big dream brought to life the construction company, which now has many recognitions within its own business lines, steel structure manufacturing and general construction. Weinberg has embraced the dynamism, love of work and honesty of its founder at the corporate level. We have proven countless times that we can achieve everything together and we do not know the impossible. We work with this mentality for the success of all our projects.

"The management of Weinberg, including myself, belongs to a generation whose outlook on life is imbued with straightforwardness, conscientiousness, and the sanctity of one's word. These are the values we represent and pass on to our successors and colleagues. We have learned that when we look each other in the eye and shake hands, it signifies a commitment that will be fulfilled. For a handshake is not merely a gesture; it reflects trust, credibility, and responsibility toward the other party, as well as respect and appreciation. Maintaining good relationships with our partners and personal trust continues to play a central role in the life of the company. This is what strengthens our business relationships and drives our business lines forward."
István Derczó, Owner, General Manager
BUILD Together!

Continental Automotive Hungary Ltd., Electronics Manufacturing Plant
2018.10-2020.01 és 2019.06-2020.10

Syngenta Kft., Quality Control Laboratory
Client: Syngenta Magyarország Kft.
Location: Mezőtúr
Function: Quality control laboratory
Area: 1,500 m²
Construction period: October 2020 – October 2021
General Construction

Factories, plants, with complex technical content, with the help of our qualified professionals, keeping in mind the importance of environmental awareness.
The functionality of which is tailored to the needs of our partners, facilitating the process of outsourcing, storage and warehousing.
Which, in addition to careful professional implementation, also provide an aesthetic experience.
Office head buildings that allow you to work efficiently in an aesthetic environment, even meeting the latest technological requirements.
Újlaki Építő Kft., Managing director
Donát Palánki Németh
“The central element of the project is the nearly 20 m high steel lookout building, the production and assembly of which required special professional and manufacturing skills. We knew from the first moment that we could only turn to the best for our own benefit, so we chose the Weinberg steel structure manufacturing division. Time has shown that we have made a good decision.”
Wing Zrt., Technical Director
Csaba Sütő Nagy
“In all its projects, WING works with the most outstanding and reliable professional partners who contribute to the high standard of the buildings and complexes we have developed. We have been working with Weinberg ’93 company on our industrial developments since 2017. The last three hall buildings of WING's number one industrial park, the East Gate Business Park, were completed by Weinberg 93. Thanks to the precise, timely, high-quality workmanship and the flexible, competent team, we will continue to work with the company.”
Budapesti Szabadkikötő Logisztikai Kft., CEO
Ottó Cseh
"The logistics halls built by Weinberg Kft. represent an outstanding technical standard, the Company's proactive partnership attitude and cost-effective approach are the hallmarks of our joint projects, we are maximally satisfied with their services they have created lasting value in our industrial park."
Aeroplex Közép-Európai Kft., Facility project manager
Zsuzsanna Szécsi
“It was very important for us to entrust the construction of the hangar to a general contractor who is not only flexible and helpful, but also has a team prepared with the right professionalism. Of course, the good reference, value for money and reliability all helped us make our decision.”
Continental Automotive Hungary Kft
Andrea Mészáros and Balázs Krieger
"During the joint work, the employees of Weinberg ’93 Kft were constantly with a great deal of flexibility in the implementation of the tasks, they adapted perfectly to the change needs of our company while meeting the deadlines."
Swiss Krono, Managing Director
Szilárd Kázmér
“The professional construction carried out by Weinberg 93 Kft. has greatly contributed to the fact that the most modern OSB factory in the world can be built in record time. The familiar team, the professional competence, the modern production base and the flexibility have led to the success. Thank you for the cooperation!"
Fémalk Zrt., Technical Director
Péter Gombos
"Weinberg 93 Kft. is a very good partner in developing cost-effective solutions and meeting changing customer needs."

Support for the Zemplén Equestrian Association and hunting riding
With more than 100 members, the Zemplén Equestrian Association is constantly present in the social life of the city. Since 2004, the events in Sárospatak have been enriched with hunting riding in a traditional way. The Association takes part in the patrol tasks of the Sárospatak Police Headquarters and the Civil Guard, in the prevention of thefts, as horses can also enter places that are inaccessible by car or on foot.

Weinberg ‘93 Kft donated a breathing machine worth HUF 10 million to the clinic, which is not only needed during the epidemic, but will also be of great use in one-day surgical procedures. We consider it important to support healthcare institutions, as this will promote a high level and smooth patient care in the region.

Chapel of Hercegkút and the organ of the Reformed church in Sárospatak
Weinberg ’93 Kft. is actively involved in supporting local church institutions. The result of the last joint collaboration is the chapel built in Hercegkút. The monument to Jesus erected on top of the dome is nearly 800 kg and more than 2 m high, made in Poland. The pride of the Reformed Church in Patak is the organ from 1871, made by the greatest master of the age, Ludwig Mooser. The condition of the 24 register and 2 manual instrument deteriorated greatly by the turn of the millennium. The church was able to raise only a small part of the HUF 50 million restoration fee. Thus, with the help of the congregation and local generous companies, including Weinberg, the renovation could still take place, and the organ could shine in all its splendor in the worship services, raising the festive light of the congregation’s occasions.

Outstanding instructor of the county
Since 2003, our company has been providing students with the opportunity for professional internships and spending their internships in our company. We also provide jobs for students who achieve outstanding results. We are constantly providing training for 15-20 students, and we would like to expand this number in the future. The success of the program is indicated by the fact that in recent years our students have achieved outstanding results in the Excellent Student of Profession competition. We participate in a dual training program with the University of Miskolc, in the framework of which we support the professional development of engineering students.

Supporting the Sárospatak Gymnastics Club
Our company is a committed believer in sports. Supporting the handball in Sárospatak is important to us, as the team has been included in the “immortals of the city” due to their fantastic position in the NB-II national championship. With the glittering gold, they have not only gained recognition, but also achieved the promotion of sports and the provision of youth, as more and more people are interested in training.

Weinberg - Sea Eye Running
In the spirit of a healthy lifestyle, an off road running race under the auspices of Weinberg, on which by completing various distances, the enterprising participants can even get to one of the pearls of Zemplén, the Sea Eye of Megyer Hill. For the fastest, the Sprint section is 2,900 meters long, with a level difference of 174 meters, and for the really enduring, the Steel Distance is 9.4 km and 408 meters level difference between the mountains and vineyards of Zemplén.

Family day
It is always an important event in Weinberg's life. As the company has been characterized by a family-friendly approach from the very beginning, one of the heart issues of the management is this event, where everything from a bouncy castle for children to an adult cooking competition is for having fun. On this day, the main role is to thank our employees and their families first and foremost for their commitment and loyalty to what makes the company what it is.

Our family-friendly approach is also reflected in the organization of the summer camp. In the building and playground of our company, the children of our colleagues can take part in creative, playful and developmental activities all day long, close to their parents, under supervision.
Így épült a Szabó Fogaskerékgyártó Kft. új gyártócsarnoka
Minden megbízás egyedi, így egyedi megoldásokat is kíván - ez a Szabó Fogaskerékgyártó Kft. kaposvári zöldmezős beruházása során sem volt
Dinamikát sugárzó terek, kék árnyalatok – a Weinbergé is lehet Az Év Irodája
Közönségszavazás is dönt a nyertesről a pályázaton. 15 éves múltra tekint vissza Az Év Irodája pályázat és a Real Estate Awards,
Kiemelkedő építőipari pályát ismertek el: Derczó István Lechner Ödön-díjat kapott
A Weinberget három évtizede irányító szakember mellett a Merkbau sikereiben oroszlánrészt vállaló Márton Norbert is elnyerte a kitüntetést.A hazai építőipar
Lechner Ödön Award
Acélszerkezeti Nívódíj
Construction Master Award
Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year
Knight's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit award
Energy Conscious Company Award announced within the framework of the Virtual Power Plant Program
TOP 100 Economic Award
Pro Urbe Award
The small and medium-sized enterprise of the month is Weinbert ’93 Kft. for December month of 2013
"Entrepreneur of the Year" award
Master's Award for Construction (light-reflecting facade of a production hall)
In August, Sárospatak City Recognition Certificate
Lechner Ödön Award

Acélszerkezeti Nívódíj
Construction Master Award

Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year
Knight's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit award

Energy Conscious Company Award announced within the framework of the Virtual Power Plant Program
TOP 100 Economic Award

Pro Urbe Award
The small and medium-sized enterprise of the month is Weinbert ’93 Kft. for December month of 2013
"Entrepreneur of the Year" award
Master's Award for Construction (light-reflecting facade of a production hall)

In August, Sárospatak City Recognition Certificate

2021 - Construction Master Award

2020 - Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year

2019 - Knight's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit award

2016 and 2018 Energy Conscious Company Award announced within the framework of the Virtual Power Plant Program

2016 - TOP 100 Economic Award

2014- Pro Urbe Award

In August 2021, Sárospatak City Recognition Certificate
Manufacture of steel structures:
General Construction:
BUILD Together!