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Sárospatak Reformed College elected István Derczó honorary alumni

István Derczó offered outstanding support to the renewal of Sárospatak Reformed College’s grammar school. Companies Weinberg and Fémalk co-operated to that end.
The project included refurbishment of the school building’s entire second floor and stairway, two new biology laboratories, a physics and a language lab, a teacher’s room, a conference room, and a recreational room. Csaba Nagy-Baló, principal, held the speech upon bestowal of the honour, and József Csomós, bishop of the Reformed Church District hence the Tisza was present upon the occasion. A plaque was placed in the refurbished storey in honour of Dr József Sándor, owner of Fémalk Zrt.
István Derczó receives his honorary certificate
Dr József Sándor, owner of Fémalk Zrt. receives his acknowledgement